The prestigious Pearcey Medal, which recognises a distinguished lifetime achievement and contribution to the development and growth of the ICT industry in Australia, was presented to Professor David Abramson.
The 2019 national awards were held in the evening of 14th November at the University of Melbourne. Presentations included the Pearcey
Medal awarded to Prof David Abramson, the Pearcey Hall of Fame awarded to Sonja Bernhardt and Bob Beaumont, and the Pearcey Entrepreneur of
the Year awarded to Craig McDonald from Victoria.
Professor David Abramson, Sonja Bernhardt OAM and Bob Beaumont were elevated to the Pearcey Hall of Fame at the annual Pearcey National Awards dinner held on Thursday 14th November 2019 in Melbourne.
Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of CSIRAC: Australia's first stored program digital computer and the world's fourth. Presentations by eminent speakers honour Dr Trevor Pearcey's legacy and catch a glimpse of what the future holds for Australian innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology in society.