2012 June Newsletter
Congratulations to Brand Hoff
A most notable event has recently occurred in that our 2011 Pearcey Medallist, Brand Hoff, was recognised as a Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia in the Queen's Birthday Honours. Brand was recognised for his 'services to the Information and Communications Technology sector'. I am sure you will all be delighted by Brand's award and he joins the illustrious company of several prior medallists in this manner - Dr Peter Jones (AM), Roger Allen (OAM), and Neville Roach (AO).
2012 Pearcey Medal nominations
So here we are again requesting your nominations for Australia's most prestigious ICT award for an individual. If you care to nominate anyone you think qualifies, please send a resume and reasons why you think they ought to be considered. Remember we are looking to recognise outstanding Australians who have made a lifelong contribution to our wonderful industry. You may wish to refresh your memory about who was gone before by looking at Pearcey Awards. Nominations close on 23 July 2012. State Awards and National event.
You may recall that your national committee took the decision in early 2011 to combine our Pearcey Medal event with AIIA's annual national iAwards event held each August in Melbourne. ACS had also decided to collaborate in this tripartite arrangement and it is now the nation's premier ICT awards event. This year's iAwards event is set for Thursday 9th August at Crown in Melbourne. The planning is well underway and full details are available on the website www.iawards.com.au Also mentioned are details on the various State Awards events in which some will combine the Pearcey State Award with the State iAwards. Those involving Pearcey are summarised in this Newsletter.
QLD: Combined AIIA, ACS and Pearcey Date: Tuesday 3rd July Time: 7pm registration + drinks; 7.35pm Dinner Venue: Sebel & Citigate, King George Square, Brisbane Keynote Speaker: The Hon. Ros Bates MP, Member for Mudgeeraba, Minister for Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts Register: Email aiia@arinex.com.au or call 07 3226 2827 Sponsored by: Cullens
VIC: Combined AIIA, ACS and Pearcey Date: Wednesday 4th July Time: 5.30pm registration for 6pm - 7.30pm Venue: Telstra Theatrette, Level 1, 242 Exhibition Street, Melbourne Keynote Speaker: The Hon Louise Asher MP, Member for Brighton, the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party and the Minister for Innovation, Services and Small Business and the Minister for Tourism and Major Events Register: Click here to register online Enquiries: Email Daphne Kechagias Sponsored by: IBSA & ACS Victoria
TAS: Combined AIIA, ACS and Pearcey Date: Thursday 12th July Time: 7.00 pm registration for 7.30pm start Venue: The Henry Jones Art Hotel Keynote Speaker: The Hon Lara Giddings, MP, Premier of Tasmania Register
Your national committee hopes some of you can join us at one of these events, at least. If you need any assistance in this regard, please call or email any of us on the national committee via the admin email address admin@pearcey.org.au (Wayne is on 0418 382 625 and will be in attendance in Brisbane and Hobart).
NOTE: Pearcey will be holding its own State Awards in ACT and NSW later in the year. It was simply not possible to coordinate and synchronise all award events in every state but perhaps in 2013 this may be achievable. See www.pearcey.org.au for details on dates and venues.
2012 National iAwards event: 9 August 2012
The organising committee for this year's national iAwards includes Suzanne Campbell, CEO of AIIA, Alan Patterson, CEO of ACS National and Wayne Fitzsimmons, Chair Pearcey Foundation National Committee. These three are supported by a large number of volunteers from the three organisations. Kelly Hutchinson, as a volunteer, is working with Jim Ellis (ACS WA) to organise the judging of some 150 company nominations in 18 categories. Various sub-committees are responsible for sponsorship, finance, event management and communications. Gener8, a Melbourne based event management company are responsible for the overall delivery of the event. Additional events
During the day of the iAwards celebrations, two distinct and significant events will be held at Crown Melbourne. One, Australia 3.0, is a follow on to last year's similarly named event and the other is Master Class, a new and exciting additional reward for the national iAward finalists. Australia 3.0 Forum
An invitation-only Forum focusing on how ICT can lift productivity within the Mining & Resources; Manufacturing; Services; and Agriculture sectors of the national economy. It will be held in two distinct parts: 1. A four-week online collaborative, mediated discussion and knowledge-gathering period commencing early July 2. A full day on 9th August at Crown Melbourne to discuss the results and outcomes of the on-line forum
The goal is to have 20+ Subject Matter Experts lead the on-line discussion using the contemporary collaboration tool Yammer involving several hundred invited participants drawn from the four verticals via academia, research groups and industry, primarily through various industry associations. This is a genuine attempt to bring our highly fragmented industry together to discuss a common cause viz., national productivity. ACS, AIIA and Pearcey have drawn active support from NICTA, CSIRO, ATSE, AIRG and TSA as well as the Services Roundtable of Australia and other industry groups within the four verticals. As this is a 'by invitation only' event, we would welcome your involvement and would ask that you call/email admin@pearcey.org.au or contact any of the national committee and register your interest so we can arrange an invitation to be sent.
Master Class In 2012 for the first time, leading Australian IT entrepreneurs will take time out to provide practical insights and advice in a Master Class session open to technology businesses shortlisted for the industry's prestigious iAwards. The Master Class concept is the brainchild of the Australian Government's IT Industry Innovation Council, a group of industry leaders drawn from entrepreneurial companies, corporates, Government and the research sector. The aim of the iAwards Master Class is to help a select group of up and coming local ICT companies to grow their businesses and succeed internationally through a series of sessions led by well known ICT identities and conducted on the day of the iAwards event, 9th August 2012.
This is a lengthy newsletter as there is a lot happening. We hope you can join us at one or more of this year's events but in particular, we would appreciate receiving multiple nominations for the 2012 Pearcey Medal. All the best, Wayne Fitzsimmons Chairman, National Committee

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- 2012 In Review
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- 2012 Pearcey Medal
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- Mal Bryce awarded 2012 Pearcey Medal
- PR2012: Jared Hill, CEO & Co-founder of insight4, wins 2012 Tasmania Pearcey Award
- 2012 CSIRO ICT Executives visit CSIRAC